It’s been so long in the making I can hardly believe it’s true. We’re just now putting the finishing touches on the shop connected to my website. It’s calling Flippin Yeah Industries. I even carved the masthead out of wood myself! it’s now nailed above the doorway of my house.
I’ve always anticipated having my own record label releasing other stuff I’m into but for now being slightly distracted I don’t have the time to do a good job of it. So the site will remain a glorified shop for the time being.
Although each month in the Flippin Yeah Presents section there’ll be 20 copies of a specific album put out independent or otherwise of friends and colleagues from here and abroad. This is a way to have other music available on the site as well without official ‘signings’. Kind of like an Oprah Book Club.
Available at the site are all my past albums previously sold through Candle Records. If you’ve got all of those you might be interested in a Poster or Commemorative Spoon? Hmm, tempting.
T-shirts coming soon….
It’s also a place where tickets will be on sale for Australian shows and tours.
Go to; or the merchandise section of this website.